How to Make Spring Gutter Cleaning Fun

Let’s be honest. Cleaning your gutters is a daunting homeowner chore that most people do not look forward to. However, it is an important chore that can save you plenty of headaches and thousands of dollars in home repairs. Without clean gutters, you put your home at risk for basement flooding, mold, landscape erosion, roofing damage, a heaving driveway, and a number of other serious damages.
Believe it or not, there are various ways to make gutter cleaning more fun. The next time you need to clean your gutters, be sure to consider these tips and tricks that are bound to make obtaining clean gutters more enjoyable.
Explore Various Gutter Cleaning Equipment
Many homeowners find great joy in finding new gutter cleaning equipment that is designed to make homeownership easier. These days, there are plenty of gutter cleaning tools on the market that claim to take some of the hassle out of cleaning gutters. After purchasing a few of them, you can test them out, and determine which ones make gutter cleaning easier and more fun. You will likely find that the gutter cleaning equipment you use make a significant difference in your overall gutter cleaning experience.
Reward Yourself
Prior to cleaning your gutters, you should decide on a reward that you can redeem once you complete the task. The reward can be having dinner at a favorite restaurant, enjoying an ice cream cone, or splurging on a new piece of technology. Regardless of what the reward is, it will motivate you to get the job done and bring about happy thoughts while you are cleaning your gutters.
Hire a Professional Gutter Cleaner
Rather than cleaning your gutters yourself, you can hire a professional gutter cleaner. Professional gutter cleaners have the tools, knowledge, and experience that can provide you with clog-free gutters. While someone else is cleaning your gutters, you can remain in your home or outside reading a book, playing with your children, or doing anything else that makes you happy. Hiring a professional gutter cleaner will also reduce your risk of falling on a ladder and seriously injuring yourself.
Invest in LeafFilter
Perhaps the best way to make spring gutter cleaning fun is to forget about it altogether by investing in LeafFilter gutter guards. With the LeafFilter gutter guard system installed on your existing gutters, you won’t ever have to think about gutter cleaning again.
You’ll enjoy the peace of mind of clog-free gutters for the lifetime of your home. Instead of spending your precious free time cleaning your own gutters or finding a professional to clean them for you, you can participate in the activities that you love. After all, life is too short to be cleaning your gutters.
Learn more about our product and request a free LeafFilter estimate today.