Building A Better Outdoor Kitchen

With the nicer weather finally emerging, and barbecues and patio parties on your mind, you may want to consider adding an outdoor kitchen to your home to maximize your backyard year-round.
An outdoor kitchen will expand your living space, allowing you to cook, eat, and clean without making a reservation. The best outdoor kitchens are as functional as an indoor kitchen and as comfortable as an indoor living room. Here are some tips to get started building a better outdoor kitchen.
Establish Your Layout
A good outdoor kitchen layout will take into consideration the layout from an indoor kitchen. This means, that cold areas (refrigeration), hot areas (grills and cook tops), and wet areas (sinks) and dry areas (counter tops) must all work together with enough space to work together and efficiently.
It’s also important to think about the relationship between indoor and outdoor kitchens. Most of the time, the kitchens will be working together, so you must consider the traffic pattern between them. Since appliances will often outline your outdoor kitchen, it is important to establish your layout before anything else.
Choose your Grill
The grill is going to be the centerpiece, or focal point of your outdoor kitchen. You may want to consider purchasing a grill with wheels in order for the layout of your kitchen to be changed.
Grills can also be built into a space on a cabinet with countertops for a more permanent layout option. The base unite can provide storage and work space. Be sure to purchase a cover to keep your grill safe from the elements.
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Seek shelter
Since you are investing in high quality appliances, they will definitely need some type of shelter for the harsh winter months. Consider a pergola or awning to protect your space.
Quality Materials
You will obviously want to choose a high quality and durable materials that can live up to the conditions outside. Choose appliances made from stainless steel and stone, slate, tile or stucco for counter tops and bases. Seek insight from a professional to make sure that all materials utilized are recommended and safe for outdoor use.
Extra Storage
You won’t want to be running back and forth from one kitchen to another, so make sure your outdoor kitchen is equipped to hold the storage you need. You’ll want extra serving pieces and utensils, as well as cups and napkins, and having a place to hold everything will make it more likely that you’ll want to spend more time in your outdoor kitchen.
Building a better outdoor kitchen may sound like hard work, but it can be fun! Utilize these tips to make your outdoor kitchen the best it can be.