DIY Equipment for Your Garage

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran when it comes to fixing things around the house or you don’t know a wrench from a ratchet, every homeowner still needs to know which tools should be in every garage. While walking through a hardware store and strolling past hundreds of tools can be overwhelming, remember that you only need a select few to fix things around the house. From essential repair equipment to proper storage facilities for keeping tools organized, here are a few of the must-own types of equipment every DIY homeowner should keep in the garage:
Before you even think about purchasing all sorts of gizmos and gadgets, you need to have a place to keep them. Having a heavy-duty workbench to store all of your tools and keep them organized is the best way to avoid having your garage turn into a chaotic mess of equipment. A workbench will also provide you with ample space to actually work on projects, whether it’s piecing together crafts or splitting wood with a table saw. While you’ll find that most quality workbenches cost, at least, a couple hundred dollars, they are worthwhile investments for providing an organized home for all your tools.
Beginner’s set
When trying to establish the ultimate tool set, you have to start with the little things first. Go out and get yourself a standard beginner’s tool kit that has everything from different-sized screwdrivers, socket and ratchet set to screws, nuts and bolts. These tools are necessary for everything from tightening screws around the house to loosening jagged pieces on any appliance. Even if you aren’t quite sure how to use all these tools, odds are you’ll eventually encounter a scenario that will require you to bust out a socket or bolt. Make sure each tool included in the kit come in multiple sizes, otherwise you might have to buy additional tools in the future.
Air compressor
For homeowners who are trying to get the most out of their tools, purchasing various air-powered equipment is how to save time and money addressing any repair problems around the house. Once you’ve started your collection of power tools that run on processed air, such as nail guns, impact wrenches, and grinders, you’ll want to make sure you also have an air compressor machine handy to keep all these tools charged and ready to go. Air compressors come in a variety of shapes, so you don’t need to splurge on a larger unit if you only own a few types of air-powered tools. Of course, keeping an air compressor around the garage also allows you to take on any air-related projects, whether it’s inflating your child’s bike tires or pumping up the basketball for shooting hoops on the driveway.
Power tools
Once you have the air compressor ready to go, you can start reviewing which types of heavy-duty air-generated power tools to choose from. These types of power tools often provide a little more torque to whatever project you’re working from when compared to cordless equipment. Pneumatic nailers, also known as air-powered nail guns, are essential air-generated power tools for homeowners. These can make nailing together a fence or other wooden parts a quick and easy process compared to going with the old hammer method. Another essential air-generated power tool for more DIY-minded homeowners is a reciprocating saw. These are great for major remodeling projects, whether you need to cut through metal piping or slice through the wood to install a new window. If you want a tool that simplifies the tiring task of tightening or loosening nuts and bolts, consider purchasing an impact wrench. This tool will significantly reduce the effort necessary to attach or remove screws or other similar pieces of equipment.
“Pegboards and cabinets are ideal for keeping smaller tools organized.”
Finishing touches
While much of what you need for your garage depends on how often you foresee yourself utilizing these tools, there are still a couple garage inclusions every homeowner needs no matter what their handiwork experience is. Make sure your garage always has adequate fluorescent lighting, as the brighter the place is, the easier it is to work on projects. Consider hanging up racks on the wall, which makes locating cleaning tools such as brooms, rakes and hoses easy. Pegboards and cabinets are also ideal for keeping smaller accessories and tools organized and in plain sight. Always keep extra power cords and extension cables handy, and make sure you have a fire extinguisher and first-aid kit that can be instantly located in the event of an emergency.