5 Winter Home Hazards to Avoid

It’s safe to say the mild winter is over, and the cold weather is really coming in. With that being said, it’s imperative for you to take the proper precautions against dangerous winter hazards. We’ve come up with the top five most common winter home hazards to look out for. Take a look below!
1. Broken Heating System – Before the temperature drops rapidly, have a professional inspect your heating system. Believe it or not, warming your home in the frigid weather is hard on your heating system. When a system is not used to doing extra work, there’s a chance it could break down and leave you freezing both outside and inside your home.
2. Fireplace Hazards – There’s nothing cozier on a cold winter’s night than to snuggle up in front of the fireplace. Before you ignite that fire, make sure you get your chimney inspected and cleaned. If you don’t, soot can accumulate and smoke and flames could backfire into your home.
3. Frozen Pipes – If you don’t get your pipes inspected, this could be your most costly fix if something goes wrong. A sudden drop in temperature can lead to pipes bursting. Check to see if your pipes have the proper insulation. If they don’t, they can be susceptible to freezing, cracking and leaking. This can cause water to flood your home specifically in high-water usage areas like your bathroom, kitchen and basement.
4. Clogged Gutters – Snow buildup in your gutters is no good. Your gutters can freeze, and snow can leak into your attic and siding causing serious damage to your home’s interior. Check to see if there’s water running down your downspout. If there isn’t, chances are your gutters are clogged and will need attention as soon as possible.
5. Miscellaneous Indoor Hazards – Keep in mind the miscellaneous things you used once the temperature drops. Space heaters and heated blankets are two commonly used items in the winter so be aware of your usage. Never leave a space heater unattended or near materials such as cotton. It’s imperative you turn off your heating devices when they are not in use. If they’re more than five years old, it’s safe to stay replacing these items will be in your best interest.
Staying warm in the winter months in important, but not as important as staying safe. Hopefully, these tips on winter home hazards will help you better prepare your home for winter and will help you take precaution this season. Keep warm everyone and enjoy this chilly season!