How to Maintain a Bug-Free Home

While there are many unforeseen forces that can reduce the quality of your living conditions, nothing is more frustrating and annoying than enduring an infiltration of insects. It’s inevitable that a stray bug or two might make its way inside your home, be it from leaving the front door open or clinging onto your pet’s tail, but that doesn’t mean you can’t boost your defense against these unwanted pests. With warmer temperatures on the horizon, insect activity will increase, so it’s time to step up your game. Here are some tips for helping you maintain a bug-free home:
Make your home less inviting …
… to bugs, anyway. When trying to make your home insect-free, it’s important to get rid of whatever factors may be drawing them in. For instance, standing water is one of the biggest attractions for insects, whether it’s outside or inside the house. Always make sure your gutters are flushing water away from the foundation of your home, as water buildups can lead to leakage within your house. Any interior plumbing or faucet problems should also be addressed immediately. One last tip: Bugs love dirty homes, so don’t let garbage accumulate or the dishes stack up.
Consider sealant
Unfortunately, simply locking your door won’t keep bugs out, so it will take a little more effort on your part to ensure their entry is denied. Sealing any gaps within the front or back doors is a great way to eliminate various entrance points for insects, and any other cracks or crevices you notice within your home should be sealed up as well. Another quick fix for boosting your defense against infiltrating bugs is to attach a door sweep to the bottom of any doors with outside access. The good news? Most of these accessories are pretty cheap.
Install gutter guards
It’s essential to understand the role that gutters play in potentially inviting insects into your home. Clogged gutters full of water and debris are ideal shelters for bugs, so frequently checking the condition of your gutter system and preventing clogged gutters is highly recommended. Homeowners wanting to avoid constantly inspecting their gutters should consider installing gutter guards, which can help ensure that not even a grain of sand will find its way in. Protect your gutter system from attracting insects and prompting clogged gutters by installing gutter guards.
Inspect your yard
Many outdoor appliances and accessories can serve as temporary homes for unwanted bugs. As mentioned before, anywhere with water is sure to attract insects sooner or later. Pool owners should frequently change the chlorine levels of the water and keep everything else nice and tidy. If you have a birdbath in the backyard, make sure you’re changing the water every week or two, as it can be a perfect breeding ground for mosquitos and other insects that lay eggs in water. Any backyards with trees will require inspections for nesting grounds every other week, so always keep an eye out for any hives hanging off branches or long branches that are extending over your roof, which can make for easier access for insects.
Unleash your weapons
If you’ve tried everything in the book to maintain a bug-free home and are still spotting bugs around the house, it’s time to try more extreme methods of defense. Before resorting to pesticides, try implementing non-chemical protection options, such as laying down traps near the entry doors of your home. Bug zappers can also be worthwhile investments, and bait boxes are effective for catching everything from cockroaches to ants. Bird feeders are a natural way to attract some winged helpers to aid in your line of defense. When push finally comes to shove, it might be time to bring in the big guns. Spraying some boric acid on any crevices around the house will work as an effective poison deterrent against bugs, and it’s also a more low-risk pesticide. Of course, if you’re willing to spend the money, calling an exterminator is always an option, but it should be your last resort.
It’s pretty easy to maintain a bug-free home. Just be aware of your surroundings and fix the problem before it really starts!