7 Tech Advances that Will Change Seniors’ Lives

Undoubtedly, technology is changing everyone’s lives, but more specifically, there are a few technological advances that will be especially life-changing for seniors and retirees.
As life expectancy continues to rise, advancing technology is transforming the lives of seniors, making it easier and more fulfilling. This trend is likely to continue in the future. Here are a few new technologies that are expected to make seniors’ lives easier. A lot of these tools are great for those of any age, but be sure to share these handy recommendations with your aging family members!
Staying Connected
As technology advances, it’s already possible for seniors to stay in touch with loved ones around the world with existing technologies like the Internet and social media, assuming they understand how to use these tools.
Facebook specifically has a significant senior presence that allows people to stay in touch and reconnect with past friend. There are even over-fifty dating sites that specifically target seniors to assist with a thriving social life.
Aging and Driving Concerns
As people age, driving can become a concern. As your eyesight and reflexes begin to fail, driving can be a dangerous adventure.
The self-driving car could enable seniors with declining skills to get out more frequently without fear of the highway. If you’re worried about a loved one getting behind the wheel, this is a great option to keep in mind. This revolutionary product can give seniors back their independence, without the inherent risks of driving.
Home Maintenance
Smart homes are becoming more popular as robots are readily available to help with cleaning, thermostat control and home security. Additionally, appliances are becoming more technologically savvy. For example, an Internet-enabled refrigerator can keep track of your goods, let you know when you are low on certain items, and even order them to your home.
In addition to smart home products, new home improvement innovations have kept seniors safe and off the ladder for good by eliminating gutter cleaning for life. LeafFilter is a micromesh gutter guard that installs directly on top of a homeowner’s existing gutters, providing clog-free gutters for life. Once installed, you, as well as aging family members, will no longer have to risk their lives climbing the ladder to clean the gutters.
These technologies make it much easier for seniors to age in place and maintain an independent lifestyle.
Health Concerns
Declining health and an inability to take care of oneself and maintain an independent lifestyle are among the greatest fears of retirees. A loss of independent living can be devastating. Fortunately, technology has made it easier for seniors to stay connected to their health professionals, monitor their daily health, and even practice healthier lifestyles.
Digital fitness devices can monitor eating, exercising and sleep habits and doctors are more accessible thanks to the Internet. These devices are also helpful for family members who help monitor their loved one’s physical condition. You no longer need to rely on faulty memories to track vitals and medication – you can simply look at their smart watch to get all the information you need to keep them happy and healthy!
Fall Concerns
Falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide. New technology has mitigated the potential risk of falling. Researchers have determined that vibrating shoe insoles can improve the wearers’ balance and stability making a fall 70 percent less likely. Although this technology has not come to market, yet, it’ll be interesting to see how this research is put to good use in the future.
Staying Smart
Thanks to new technology, seniors are able to use the Internet to keep up on new hobbies and keep their minds sharp. Touchscreen notepad devices allow senior citizens to use computerized brain game systems to exercise their minds. These tools are so popular because they often blur the distinction between games and therapies, making it a fun way to enhance their mental acuity and awareness. Many brain fitness apps have shown to forestall memory loss, too. These smart devices are great to keep in mind for your loved ones as gifts on special occasions.
Maximize Safety
New technology has been developed to help track the activities of your aging loved ones. Simply put sensors into place around the home to detect his or her movement and activity. When the system detects unusual activity (or lack of activity) it has been taught to recognize this as concerning. For example, if a senior citizen falls and the sensor recognizes a lack of activity, the sensor can alert you and other family members to check in on them to make sure everything is okay.
How has high-tech senior living changed the way you or a loved one has aged? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and check back on our blog regularly for more helpful aging tips.