Benefits of Aging in Place

There’s no question that aging in place is appealing to many individuals. In fact, 90 percent of people over 65 want to live in their home and community as long as possible, according to a survey released by the AARP Public Policy Institute. Moreover, a whopping 80% believe they will stay in their home until they die. Therefore, it should come as no surprise if an aging loved one approaches you about their intent to remain in the family home as they age.
Be aware, however, that aging in place poses different mental and physical challenges than going into an assisted living facility or nursing home. But don’t let these challenges deter you from helping your aging loved one achieve their goal of aging in place. There are a variety of different benefits that make aging in place so attractive including maintaining the individual’s independence, remaining in a familiar setting, and being more cost-effective than institutional living. Help your aging loved one overcome these challenges, and reap the potential benefits of aging in place, instead of uprooting them to put them into a living facility or nursing home.
LeafFilter takes a deeper dive into what has made aging in place so popular among seniors:
Continued Independence of Aging in Place
Being able to stay at home in a familiar setting is a priority for many aging seniors. Living at home allows them to maintain their independence, dignity, and control. Aging in place allows seniors to maintain their usual routines and schedules.
When moving to a senior living community or nursing home, many seniors will have to adapt to an unfamiliar mealtime and/or activity schedule, which isn’t ideal for everyone. A loss of independence and control can have serious emotional effects. Additionally, having to make all kinds of adjustments to one’s daily life can be very stressful and upsetting for seniors.
Aging in Place Reduces the Risk of Illness
The large number of residents in assisted living facilities tend to spread illnesses such as colds and flus rapidly. Those that choose to age in place have a lower chance of catching these illnesses compared to those in assisted living facilities. This can make aging in place very appealing to those that tend to get sick regularly. It’s also a very important consideration for those that may have complications from illnesses.
Familiar Setting & Family
Aging in place allows individuals to have family and friends over to visit whenever they please, which poses a benefit for both you and your aging loved one. In contrast, some nursing and assisted living facilities place restrictions on how often residents are allowed to have visitors and how long these visits can last. Aging in place allows family members and friends to visit as much as they want, for as long as they’d like.
This is an important consideration to many that are considering aging in place. Socialization is imperative to those that are growing older as it is a major part of staying happy and healthy.
Along with having the support system of friends and family, aging individuals will enjoy keeping all of their personal possessions. In many cases, moving into an institution often means having to downsize. Many seniors will have to part with their belongings before moving in, which can be difficult on the entire family. Those that choose to age in place do not have to worry about downsizing or getting rid of any of their personal belongings.
Having a Pet
Living with a pet such as a dog or cat is a great way to reduce stress. Along with providing stress-busting benefits, pets offer companionship for those living alone.
Unfortunately, many nursing facilities and assisted living communities do not allow pets. This means that, if your aging loved one already has a pet, it will need to be re-homed, which is an added stressor on the entire family.
Costs Associated with Aging in Place
The costs associated with aging in place versus moving into a facility are often the most important – especially if the individual is on a fixed income.
Living in an assisted living facility can add up quickly, making them quite expensive. The median monthly cost for nursing home care in 2009 was $5,243 – more than five times the cost of seniors living at home, according a study published in the 2010 issue of Health Affairs.
Aging in place can help individuals maintain a more affordable budget and minimize the cost of living.
Adapting to an Aging in Place Lifestyle with Home Health Care Services
Adapting your living space and lifestyle to meet your needs at a specific point in your life are important considerations for those that choose to age in place. New products and home health care services are continually evolving to meet the needs of aging seniors.
There are a variety of assistive-technology products designed to make life easier for people to do things for themselves. And, with technology continuing to advance every day, it’s easier for individuals to remain in their home.
Additionally, home health care services are rising in popularity as individuals opt to age in place. Home care options are often less expensive than a permanent facility. In addition to providing home health care services such as bathing assistance, dressing assistance, housekeeping, respite care, and meal preparation, home care also provides the individual with companionship. Socialization is very important to those that choose to age in place as it will help ward off depression, isolation, and anxiety.
LeafFilter Assists Seniors Looking to Age in Place
LeafFilter Gutter Protection is one important home improvement product that gives seniors the ability to age in place. LeafFilter’s gutter guard system attaches to a home’s existing gutters, eliminating gutter cleaning forever and protecting the home from water-related issues. This allows seniors to eliminate the dangerous task of gutter cleaning, keeping them safe and off the ladder for the life of their home.
Here at LeafFilter, we recognize the importance of keeping seniors safe and off the ladder, which is why the company offers a 10% discount to all seniors aged 65+. It’s our goal to help seniors maintain their independence and control as they remain in the comfort of their home for years to come. To learn more about LeafFilter, or how gutter protection can help make aging in place a reality for your elderly loved ones, call us at 1-844-211-4281.